Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fiction: What's so great about it?

The great thing about writing fictional stories is the fact that a writer can stretch their imagination. Being able to write about whatever you want and write what may or may not be able to happen is fun and can take readers into the unexpected. When J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter, she probably had no idea what she was getting herself into, but she took her imagination farther than no other and wrote a series that will always be remembered. If I could learn to write half as well as her or any of the members of our class I would consider myself lucky.

The great thing about fiction, as Professor Quinlin said in her blog, is conflict. Being able to create a problem and take it anyway you want is pretty tricky. A problem can't be created a resolved in the matter of a page. It has to be presented and then the intensity of that problem has to grow, weaving it in and out of the characters lives. Sometimes its easier to do it when you're writing non-fiction pieces. Yes, you are writing about yourself or things that are real so its easier to understand. Writing about something that may not exist or ever happen is hard. Paying attention to detail in fiction writing is also very big. Description of the characters and the development of those characters are also very crucial.

Fiction was always kind of hard for me. Once I came up with an idea and got it flowing, it was okay. It was always just coming up with that initial thought for a story that kept me from success. Everyone in our class has extreme talent in that area. Some of the stories we work shopped last week were phenomenal. I doubt I would have ever come up with ideas like that. Every writer probably thinks that their own writing isn't as good as others. For me, its my fiction writing. It makes me feel uneasy. I'm sure I'll grow as a writer. My fiction writing will definitely flourish has an educator. I'll have to contsantly be coming up with fresh new ideas for my students and that will help my writing and them at the same time!

1 comment:

A Quinlan said...

Blair! i agree that this is a great class but you are a crucial member. This is a thorough essay on the issues facing a fiction writer--sounds like a conflict. And your poetry prompts piece was excellent.